Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cable News = Barking Dogs

Here's a fun comparison between barking dogs and cable news...


Friday, January 13, 2012

Romney and the Setter

Rachel Maddow brought up a past incident about Mitt Romney that she says could haunt his campaign if he should get the nomination. It is old news now, but I agree with her that it goes right to the heart of his character. For when does character show up more than in our dealings with the powerless? Dogs, in their total loyalty and devotion, will take any treatment at the hands of their owners and continue to stick by them. They give away all their "power" to their "leader." And so, the "leader's" treatment of the creature reveals the heart of that person's qualities as a leader. Even when the animal is not a pet, it can be damning, as the turkey-killing footage behind a smiling Sarah Palin showed. She was indifferent to the killing. She tried to brush it off saying she was unaware that it was happening behind her, but she was giving an interview from a turkey slaughterhouse, and so she was cavalier about the fact if not the footage.

Similarly, a man who can drive for hours with a miserable, frightened, supposedly beloved pet strapped to the roof of the car, shows that "father knows best" attitude that is deadly dangerous in a leader when coupled with an insensitivity to the suffering of others.