Sunday, March 20, 2005

The Modern Pharisees

I am tired of the self-styled "Moral Majority." They are merely selectively moral and only superficially devoted to the democratic idea of majority rule. When the majority opinion agrees with theirs, they tout it with zeal. But when the majority opinion on an issue disagrees with theirs, they deny the majority voice for that Majority-of-One called God. Happily, God always agrees with them. And when he doesn't, well, secular humanists weren't the ones who lobbied for the crucifixion of Christ. It was the political zealots of his own religion who didn't like the message. Too liberal. Too permissive. We don't like what he's saying so we'll vilify him and destroy him. Truth be damned in the service of a higher good.

Fundamentalists use the so-called "Word of God" as a weapon to get their way with the rest of us. Scripture is the modern guillotine, clean, swift and cruel.

Yet, even the most literal adherents to the Word in the Bible find their lives at odds with the text. Take divorce. The Bible considers a divorced person who marries another to be an adulterer. It is very clear. Of course, the Fundamentalists condemn divorce and they do so loudly. Meanwhile, they enjoy the highest divorce rate in the nation. The distance between the beliefs they profess and the actions they live widens every day. So whom do they blame for their failings? Liberals and their moral relativism!

These people's hatred of moral relativism does not come from an understanding of what the phrase really means. It comes from self-hatred. Their own hypocricy must find a target outside themselves to attack and scapegoat. Self-reflection is lost in the frenzy of war on (you fill in the blank). This proved successful in Judea 2000 years ago. It proved successful in Germany in the 1930s. It proved successful with American McCarthyism in the 1950s. It is proving successful for the Christian Coalition.

Make no mistake. Liberals are not destroying America and everything we stand for. The Christian Coalition is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blogspot. I think the contrast between the"culture of life" screamers' words and actions is particularly noteworthy. Even beyond their bloodthirsty love of the death penalty,unconcerned about false witness and false convictions, they form vigilante death squads and threaten people who disagree with them, like some judges in criminal cases,or doctors or homosexuals with death, and violence of all kinds. Sometimes thy kill, and exult in thei "victory"

Their activities get support from congressional demogogues like Tom Delay who made reprehensible vague threats about calling'to account" the judges in the Schiavo case amid death threats by "pro-life" people who put a $50,000 bounty on the head of one of the judges.

De Lay is sean as amoral leader by these people , which gives a sense of the deep moral confusion and corruption of these people- since like seeks like.

De Lay may be merely trying to distract attention from his growing ethical and criminal problems, but unless he retacts his dangerously timed threat, he should be prosecuted for criminal conspiracy.