Friday, October 10, 2008

The Verdict on Palin: "Abuse of Power" AND "Dereliction of Duties"

Today, in two separate arenas, Governor Sarah Palin has been rebuked for failures to carry out her duties as entrusted to her by the great state of Alaska.

The bipartisan (mostly Republican) panel in the legislature investigating Troopergate released its findings. As reported here:
Sarah Palin unlawfully abused her power as governor by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper, the chief investigator of an Alaska legislative panel concluded Friday.

A judge has ordered both the State of Alaska to contact Yahoo, preserve any emails sent from her outside accounts and to attempt to resurrect those in deactivated accounts. As reported here:

"We shouldn't be in a position where public records have been lost because the governor didn't do what every other state employee knows to do, which is to use an official, secure state e-mail account to conduct state business," (Judge) McLeod said after the 90-minute hearing.

"It's a dereliction of the governor and her duties," she said.

Outsider reformer? If you consider the fox an outsider to poultry farming and elect her to reform business in the hen house, then sure, Palin is both an "outsider" and a "reformer." But why re-define two perfectly good words, when we already have terms for her kind of politician: "crook" and "bully."

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