Friday, September 12, 2008

Palin Poor Judgement and Abuse of Power Evidence Keeps Comin'

Todd Palin Subpoenaed in Troopergate

Palin, cast at last week's Republican National Convention as a supportive husband, oil rig worker and championship snowmachine racer, has emerged in the days since as also a powerful figure in his wife's administration. Despite holding no government position, he attends official meetings and is copied on e-mails concerning state business. (italics mine)

Whatever the outcome of the Troopergate investigation, the fact that a governor gives an unelected spouse surrogate power in running the government reveals a Mafia mentality management style. How would you feel having your government job overseen not only by your boss but the boss' husband? I remember the public outcry over Hillary being in charge of the health care task force under Clinton which was at least above board and in her area of expertise. But this kind of shadow power given to family members in government is just creepy.

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