Saturday, October 24, 2009

Constitutional Right to Twitter?

I'll tell you a story and you guess who did it. A bunch of politicians signed up for Twitter accounts under the names of their political opponents and began sending obnoxious tweets under those false identities. When they were found out and suspended from Twitter (the act is a breach of the user agreement you must check before joining) these same guys complained that their right to free speech was being blocked.

Okay, now guess. Democrats or Republicans? The answer below the fold.

Before I answer, think about which party has a long history of spreading false information under false identity. The scales are not balanced in the least here. Oh, I'm sure you can find one or two examples on the other side, but this wholesale defrauding the voters has been the tactic of only one major party in the last twenty years: Republicans.

Or as I call them now: twits.

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